Mind Your Hormones


Corinne Angelica
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I love this topic because I used to suffer from migraines so I understand how debilitating they can be.

The good news is that they're coming from a root cause that we can address & heal so they go away!

Elevated blood sugar & insulin cause our immune system to produce excess inflammatory chemicals creating inflammation throughout the body.

Inflammation that goes unnoticed is a major root cause of pain in any part of your body, specifically migraines, ovulation pain and menstrual cramps.

What causes inflammation?

Eating problematic foods like refined carbs (white bread, pizza, bagels, desserts etc) and sugars triggers the same reaction inside your body as it does to your foot when you stub your toe on the table.

It’s a kind of inflammation you can’t see that happens in your brain, gut, joints, reproductive organs, and more.

If we continue eating inflammatory foods, the inflammation never gets a chance to heal so it starts to spread in your body like wild fire.

When it comes to cramps, migraines, period pain there’s something called Prostaglandins that come into play.

Insulin resistance and excess inflammation reduces the anti-inflammatory prostaglandins and increases the pro inflammatory Prostaglandins which we obviously don’t want.

When the Inflammatory prostaglandins are activated they trigger inflammation, pain and fever in the injured part of the body in an attempt to heal the damage area.

When there is bleeding involved, prostaglandins simulate the formation of blood clots and contract the muscles around the damaged area to prevent blood loss.

Women are at higher risk of developing a migraine or tension headache in the 2 days leading up to their period. And at the highest risk between days 1 and 3 of their period.

Prostaglandins are a major cause of migraines throughout the course of our entire cycle. PGE2 Prostaglandins increase significantly during a menstrual migraine.


Fix Your Period by Nicole Jardim


 45. ROOT CAUSES of MIGRAINES & Natural relief

 10. Is your GUT the problem?



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So grateful you’re here! XO Corinne