Mind Your Hormones

543. Unconventional spiritual practice when you're in a tough season to bring more JOY into your life & regulate your nervous system (P.S. it's not praying, journaling or meditating)

Corinne Angelica

Today, we're diving into my favorite daily practice that has completely shifted my energy and mindset—and it might not be what you expect when you hear "spiritual practice." Spoiler: it isn't praying, meditating or journaling! 

Plus, I announce the winner of our December podcast review giveaway. Don’t forget to email us at hello@corinneangelicawellness.com if you’re @PineTreeAshley, and grab your gift card!

Ways to work with Corinne: 

  • Join the Mind Your Hormones Method, HERE! (Use code PODCAST for 10% off!!)

Mentioned in this episode: 

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Disclaimer: always consult your doctor before taking any supplementation. This podcast is intended for educational purposes only, not to diagnose or treat any conditions.